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Atkinson Secure Children’s Home

Helping young people to understand and manage their emotions

News and Events

Refurbished living areas at Atkinson

We were lucky enough to attract a grant from the DfE in 2019 to help with the financing of our refurbishments.  Works commenced to transform the living areas of the home late 2019 and continued over the Christmas break into the New Year (2020).  Unfortunately, the project work stopped abruptly due to the Covid-19 pandemic […]

Trauma Informed Practice for Children and Young People

As a result of funding from NHS England and the integrated framework internally known as ‘Secure Stairs’, Atkinson has led the development of level 3/4 qualification (Certificate and Diploma) which is being accredited through NCFE. Atkinson will be the approved centre for the qualification. The course comprises of seven modules:

Atkinson refurbishments

For the last 12 months, staff at the home have been in discussions with various design agencies with a view to refurbishing the home.  After a competitive tendering exercise, a generous DFE grant and engagement with our young people so that some of their ideas could be incorporated, the contract was awarded to Devon Interiors […]

A greener Atkinson

The Atkinson Home will soon have two Scotty Hot Boxes, made possible as a result of a generous grant provided by The Naturesave Trust (  Through the daily running of the Home, there is an amount of waste that can and will be composted.  This waste comprises of compostable paper cups, compostable food waste generated […]

Atkinson School offers Duke of Edinburgh award

The Atkinson School are pleased to now be offering the Duke of Edinburgh award. The DoE is the world’s leading youth achievement award, giving millions of 14-24 yrs olds the opportunity to be the very best they can be.  The DoE is a youth awards programme founded in the UK in 1956 by Prince Philip, […]

Children in Need 2018

Children in Need 2018 was a great day for both students and staff.  The Atkinson School had a non-uniform day with students and staff dressing up in onesies and having their faces painted.  Students produced some delicious cakes for a sale to staff and visitors.  Two students completed a ten mile sponsored run/walk, a tremendous […]

Koestler Awards 2018

2018 has been another very successful year for our students in the annual Koestler Awards.  This year, the Atkinson Home has 59 pieces of visual art entered into the awards, produced by 24 different young people.  This includes; Koestler Gold Award – 1 Under 18s Special Awards – 10 (one of these is the group […]

DfE funding – window replacement project

Over the course of the last three years, new windows have replaced many of the outdated windows in the communal areas of the home.  A review of the remaining windows across the home was subsequently undertaken which identified a need to replace many windows in the young people’s bedrooms.  As a result of this review, […]

The start of a new academic year and looking back at last year…

2017-18 was a busy and productive year at the Atkinson School, for both students and staff. Staff have worked proactively to engage and, in many cases, re-engage the students with education.  We are constantly looking for that learning opportunity to “hook” them into learning. The hard work of the students and staff has been rewarded […]
