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Atkinson Secure Children’s Home

Helping young people to understand and manage their emotions

Trauma Informed Practice for Children and Young People

You got this written on the road

As a result of funding from NHS England and the integrated framework internally known as ‘Secure Stairs’, Atkinson has led the development of level 3/4 qualification (Certificate and Diploma) which is being accredited through NCFE. Atkinson will be the approved centre for the qualification. The course comprises of seven modules:

  • The Framework for Integrated Care for the Children and Young People Secure Estate (Secure Stairs).
  • Attachment and Developmental Trauma.  Every interaction matters: applying this theory in a secure setting.
  • Child and adolescent development.
  • Understanding complex behaviour.
  • Resiliency and blocked care.
  • Trauma informed leadership.  Understanding trauma in organisations.
  • Trauma informed care – group dynamics / admissions / transition / relationships.

To ensure the quality and content of the course reflecting lived experiences it can only be facilitated jointly by a CAMHs clinician and an operational manager who have significant experience of working in secure settings and fully understand the complexities both operationally and strategically.  The course content has been written and piloted across various settings including secure children’s homes, secure training centres and young offending institutes.  This course is primarily for staff working in secure settings but we are in the process of adapting the material for children and young people in the community.  We are aiming to offer the course from April 2020.
