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Atkinson Secure Children’s Home

Helping young people to understand and manage their emotions

DfE funding – window replacement project

Milton Keynes coloured drawing

Over the course of the last three years, new windows have replaced many of the outdated windows in the communal areas of the home.  A review of the remaining windows across the home was subsequently undertaken which identified a need to replace many windows in the young people’s bedrooms. 

As a result of this review, an application for further funding was submitted to the Department for Education in February 2018 and in June, we were delighted to be awarded a grant by the DfE thus allowing us to undertake a window replacement programme within this financial year.

The innovative replacement windows have been purposely designed to provide our young people with fresh air to supplement the air handling system in each bedroom.  A prototype window is currently under construction and as soon as this has been signed off, the installation project will commence with a deadline for completion in March 2019.

Once the window installation has been completed, the older part of the building will blend aesthetically with the new but most importantly, our young people will benefit from the functionality of the new window design.

