We value all feedback because it enables us to effectively evaluate and improve the service we provide for young people.
We would like to know what we did well and the areas we may need to work on. If Atkinson has been your home or you have come to visit a friend or relative we would love to hear about your experience.
If you are a social worker (or an officer from a placing authority) who has placed a young person with us we would value your feedback too.
Share your experience by emailing us at atkinsonunit-mailbox@devon.gov.uk, or contact Mark Street, Quality Assurance and Compliance Manager.
If you are unhappy or have concerns with the service please write to the manager of the Atkinson Home in the first instance. If you remain unhappy with the outcome you can contact Devon County Council’s customer service team on 0345 155 1078 or speak to Ofsted (the organisation that inspects children’s homes) on 0300 1231231.
We would of course also like to hear from you if you would like to compliment us or the service provided, as well.