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Atkinson Secure Children’s Home

Helping young people to understand and manage their emotions

Atkinson Art in County Hall

pictures on a wall

Jo Olsson, Chief Officer for Children’s Services, has received three pieces of artwork created by young people at the Atkinson Home.  The artwork is based on the screen print portraits of pop artist Andy Warhol and the graphic design work of Central Station Design.  Sometimes our students have very little confidence in their drawing skills and this technique of using an A3 photographic portrait and getting the student to apply colour to it using oil pastels is a real confidence building exercise which leads on to using a variety of different media in the Art Room.  The middle image is a good example of this, the student decided to use acrylic paint to produce a very detailed image of a hip hop performer.  All three of these images received certificates from the annual Koestler Awards Exhibition at the Southbank in London.
