“Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success” The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
The Atkinson School are pleased to announce that we will be working alongside the Give a Book charity to further promote reading for pleasure amongst our students and staff.
Give a Book is a charity dedicated to promoting books and the pleasure of reading for young people. Their projects aim to promote reading for pleasure, encouraging creativity, connection, and choice.
As part of our initial induction and assessment programme to the school all students with be able to request a book, Give a Book will source and provide that book for the young person. Further books can be requested during their stay at the Atkinson and prior to leaving a further book will be provided. Our aim is that no young person will leave the Atkinson without owning at least one book.
We look forward to working with the Give a Book charity to further expand this project.